这篇是直接把领导整理的“如何利用sphinx自动为python package生成文档”搬过来的。 他是用jupyter notebook写的,放在公司内网的博客上。 我为了方便自己查阅,就硬搬过来了。最近还在找如何把jupyter notebook直接搬到Hexo blog上,然而还没有找到答案。
Download Bing Background Image Everyday by Python
Recently I read a translation version of a Quora Q&A in which people are talking about how the programmers use computer to serve their own life.
The translation version is: 看程序员是如何把自动化做到极致的!
And the initial Quora post is: As a programmer, what tasks have you automated to make your everyday life easier?
One engineer just mentioned he wrote a small program to download Bing background images everyday automatically by the computer. The images, which would be a new one everyday, are all great photographs token all over the world.
后来再尝试代码发现不行了。。。 2017.10
MySQL Database Backup and Restore
Build R Packages
After MM and I developed several R tools for our team (missing the whole year we kept working together), we began to look for more convenient way for the users. We were eager to build our own packages, but we didn’t know how and didn’t dig deep down.
2016 书单 (不定期添加)
说是引子,其实就是每次开始前的一些废话。 @老猪,没想到我也会有一个在屁股后面催稿的粉丝,哈哈哈哈,你就当我自作多情好了。 既然是真的想要做一些事,不想有计划也会有一些计划。
2016 目标 & 计划
我一直都是“行动上的矮子”,要做一件事,总要下很大决心似的,要心理准备很久。 表面看起来我并不喜欢偷懒(特别是对工作上的事=。=),其实总希望有个人能够一直引导我,让我免去自己动脑思考的痛苦过程。
Hello World
Just keep this post as a memo about Hexo, markdown gramma, etc.